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Call or email me today at 303-907-5332
I look forward to hearing from you!

Frequently Asked Questions
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Quisque ut nisi. Quisque ut nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. In turpis.
What documents do I need to Provide my Bookkeeper?
During our initial call I will provide you with a checklist of what I will need from you.
The list isn’t bad and includes such things as bank statments, any tax documents you may have, ownership information, tax id#’s and various other items
The initial process isn’t something you should worry about. I will make it easy for you and assit you along the way with any questions. I know your time is very valuable.
What does a Bookkeper Provide?
A Full-Service Bookkeeper will manage your books, Process Accounts Payable (bills) and Accounts Receiveable (Income) as well as process Payroll and associated Payroll Taxes.
Reconcile bank accounts and credit cards.
Prepare Financial Statements and Budgets as well as getting your documents ready for your CPA at year-end to prepare your taxes
Can I still access my books?
Yes. You have full access to your books at any time.
You will be able to see any changes and updates I have made
I will aso be able to let you know if I need anything from you right in Quickbooks Online.
Staying connected makes the whole process easier for both of us.
Do you handle all tax payments?
Yes, With payroll processing, paying your taxes to both State and Federal is included in my monthly price.
I also track and pay Unemployment Taxes, CO Famili leave if applicable.
Pay Sales Tax? I will setup and track and pay your Sales Taxes to the City/County and State. (Additional charges will apply)